Coordinator for incoming students
Assistant Professor Eleni Tympa
Tel: +30 2310 013488
Office: 1st floor, building “Preschool Education”, International Hellenic University, Alexandria Campus, Sindos, Thessaloniki
General information on Study Guide of the School of Early Childhood Education
For receiving a Bachelor Degree from the School of Early Childhood Education, studies must last, at least, 8 semesters (4 years), and successfully 240 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) should be collected. Specifically, it includes:
(a) twenty-six (26) courses that are Compulsory (C), twenty-nine (29) that are Elective Compulsory (EC), twenty-three (23) Elective Compulsory Seminars (with mandatory attendance) thirty-one (31) Elective Compulsory Thesis Seminars (with mandatory attendance).
(b) the Thesis and
(c) the Internship – Applied Activities.
The Compulsory Core Courses cover the subjects of all scientific areas of the Department, which are considered necessary for the scientific training of the students.
The category of Optional Compulsory Courses consists of courses from all scientific disciplines treated by the Department.
The Foreign Language module is included in the Core Compulsory Courses and in the Optional Compulsory Courses.
In particular, the structure of the courses by semester of study is presented in Table 1 below:
Table 1. Courses offered per semester of study
5 Compulsory core courses
5 Compulsory core courses
3 Compulsory core courses AND2 Elective Compulsory courses from the list of available courses
4 Compulsory core courses AND
1 Elective Compulsory course from a list of available courses
2 Compulsory core courses
3 Compulsory core courses AND 1 Elective Compulsory Research Seminar* AND
2 Compulsory core courses AND 1 Elective compulsory dissertation seminar
2 Elective Compulsory courses from a list of available electiver or 2 Free-choice courses from another IHU department
Thesis AND
1 Compulsory course AND
1 Elective l Compulsory course that can be chosen from a list of available courses; or
1Free Choice course from another IHU department
The list of available elective Required Courses to be taught is updated by decision of the Department Assembly each semester, depending on the academic staff of the Department.
The credit hours (ECTS) of the courses are proportional to the workload of the students (1 credit hour corresponds to 25 hours of work). Specifically, both the Compulsory and the Optional Compulsory courses correspond to six (6) credits (ECTS) each, with the exception of the Practical Training which offers 24 credits (ECTS), the Research Seminars which offer 12 credits (ECTS) and the Thesis which is credited with 18 credits (ECTS). Each academic semester includes educational activities which are credited with 30 ECTS credits.
Course types
The courses of the Undergraduate Programme are classified into the following categories1:
General Background Courses: These are those courses that constitute a continuation and extension of high school knowledge and/or are compulsory courses that are prerequisites for other courses. Courses which, although not directly related to the science covered by the curriculum, nevertheless constitute the necessary prior scientific knowledge necessary for the understanding of subjects directly related to it.
Courses in a scientific area (specialised background): These are those courses which refer to fields of knowledge directly related to the scientific subject of the programme of study.
Skills Development Courses: Courses which do not aim at providing scientific knowledge in the subject area of the curriculum but at cultivating and developing other skills (e.g. entrepreneurship, foreign language, work placements).
For further information on each subject, please follow the link here.
During the Winter and Spring semesters there are no classes or exams:
National “OΧΙ” holiday 28th of October
Anniversary of Athens Polytechnic Uprising 17th of November
Christmas holidays 24th of December to 6th of January
Clean (Ash) Monday 3rd of March 2025
National holiday 25th of March
Easter holiday 14th of April to 27th of April 2025
1st May
Holly Spirit holiday 9th of June 2025
26th of October – Religious holiday of Saint Dimitrios, Patron Saint of Thessaloniki
Αλεξάνδρεια Πανεπιστημιούπολη ΔΙ.ΠΑ.Ε
P.O BOX 141, T.K. 57400 Σίνδος, Θεσσαλονίκη
IHU - Alexander Campus
P.O BOX 141, P.C. 57400 Sindos, Thessaloniki